June 27, 2018

We went camping!

We were going to go camping but Mrs. Saunderson's locked her guidebook in a lockbox!  We had to get them OUT.  We had to use the light pens to get a clue, read a map and figure out directions and find a key.  Some teams helped other teams. We ate s'mores with chocolate chips and squished marshmallows. We had gym with Ms Little and played Fruit Bowl. We took most of our things from school today. 
We have electronics/board game day tomorrow.

June 22, 2018

Painted Ladies and Sports Day

Today we had Sports Day and got freezies.  We played Tug o' War, soccer, javelin throw with pool noodles and had a lot of races. We had to stay outside all morning long.
We let our butterflies go today. One of our butterflies died and we got to touch the wings.. Griffyn held a butterfly on a flower. We almost stepped on a butterfly.  A butterfly liked the nectar of a flower. 

June 15, 2018

10 Day Countdown

See the source image
Our Father's Day presents are ready to go.  But it is a secret - shhhhh!  Today was Bubblegum day and lots of people brought bubblegum to share! Some of us are getting very good at blowing bubbles! Katherine got to pop the 9th day balloon and it is sidewalk chalk day.  The school will supply the sidewalk chalk.  We popped the 10th AND the 9th balloon today!  We had gym today with Ms Mahan's class and we played Waspital.

June 08, 2018

Measurement AND a chrysalis!

We prepared our art in Eric Carle fashion! We had to use 4 crayons and find a texture and rub it against a rock, gravel, tree or cement.  There were all kinds of different textures.
One of our caterpillars is on the roof and in a J! It has a red ball which means it is done eating. We watched a video of caterpillars. The caterpillars split their skin when they make a chrysalis.
We watched a Mystery Doug movie about hot lava and when it's cold it becomes lava rock.
In math we did measurement centers. We raced cars down ramps to see which ones go farther. We measured how many cards covered a box. We weighed different materials and tried to balance the scales.  We filled jars with popcorn seeds, too.

June 06, 2018


Containers to measure!

Which one holds the most?
We are working on measurement. Today we learned that you do not need a measuring cup to measure. You can measure with different cups! We can measure with water or beans or bubblegum or a bunch of things. We can compare containers to find the biggest container.  We went outside and used water to measure. We measured how many cups were in a container.  We used small bins and big bins! The biggest container held 20 cups. Ms Mahan's mom came to help us. We measured and then we played outside!

June 04, 2018

A Class Pet!

Image result for caterpillars
We got a class pet!  It is caterpillars and THEY grew bigger over the weekend. Some of the caterpillars and making silk in their containers. The caterpillars ate lots of their food. The caterpillars are pooping black stuff! We are writing a book called Diary of a Caterpillar.
We had a mixed up day - we had gym after math!  We went to Heritage Park last week and on the ipads, we compared Now and Then.