January 29, 2016

I must bring my penguin book BACK!

We are bringing home our Penguin Expert books!  I will read it to you and teach you all about penguins.  I NEED to bring it back to school for my portfolio.  Please help me remember!  We couldn't wait to read it to you!

Next week is Trickster!  It is going to be amazing BUT LOTS of hard work.  We can't wait to share it with you.

January 27, 2016

Family Literacy Day AND a Taste Test!

Reading together for Literacy Day!

That chocolate is YUCKY!!!

  The dark chocolate was NOT sweet! It was a trick!

Happy Literacy Day!  We read with the 4/5s in the hallway.  It was cool.  Mrs. Saunderson gave us a book to celebrate Literacy Day.  Let's read it together!

Today was taste test  day!  We tasted chocolate, chips, Skittles and Sour Skittles!  We taste with our tongue and on our tongue are dots called taste buds.  The chocolate was not good, it was BITTER!!!! Some people spit it out in the garbage.  It was a trick from Mrs. Saunderson and Kaitlin. The outside of your tongue has bitter taste buds.  The tip of your tongue is your sweet taste buds.  The middle is salty.  We ate chips for salty. We liked the taste test.  We have 3 meals a day to use our taste buds.

January 25, 2016

What?! I Can't Hear You!

Today we went to Ms Mahan's class and read them our Penguin Expert books.  They learned some new things from us!

We did a science experiment for hearing.  We made paper cup telephones with string. We could talk to our friends by pulling the string straight! You get two cups, poke a hole in it and put a string in and tie a knot.  It's a good idea to tape it.  We rock, paper, scissored to see who would take it home.  Some people just shared to be kind!

January 20, 2016

Winter is Fun!

We are almost finished our Penguin Expert books.  When we are finished, we will read them to another class.

We looked at Madame Polege's blog and know that we will learn about boats in Grade 2!

We are learning about winter.  Today we made a video outside for a class in Abu Dhabi!  They don't have SNOW there.  We timed ourselves getting on our snow gear and it took 3 minutes!

We started playing basketball in gym.  We played a tag game using basketballs.  It was a thumbs up game!

Hey, mom and dad!  Ask me if my inside shoes still fit.  Some of us are growing and our shoes have broken or gotten really tight.

January 19, 2016

Hearing and addition!

We have been learning about addition.  We know that plus means adding or addition.  Addition is math.  We worked on a penguin addition problem.  When Eloise played Mystery Number.  It only took 3 questions to guess her number!  It was 99.  We are getting good at Mystery Number.

Callie showed us her gold from her treasure chest and we always do Literacy Block in the morning. One student impressed another teacher and got a candy for being KIND and doing the right thing when no one was watching at recess!  Hooray for him!!!!!!!!

We learned about hearing.  We had a hearing test!  There were sounds hidden on the SB and we had guess what it was.  One was clapping.  We did learning in different classes today.

January 15, 2016

The 5 Senses

What's that smell?!

We did some smell centers today.  We  smelled lemon juice, pickles, cinnamon, soap, tuna fish.  The smells were in a container and we had to smell it and record the number. It made our heads hurt to our belly buttons! There are good smells and bad smells. Then we did real centers.

We had an assembly on Habit 3: Put First Things First.  Ask me how the Berenstain bear cubs didn't put first things first and soon learned that they had to 'work first, then play'!

Book Orders are due on Thursday.  Remember to use the $5.00 gift card that Mrs. Saunderson gave you for Christmas.  Send it in with the order.

January 14, 2016

Mystery Reader

Today we had a Mystery Reader.  First, Mrs. Saunderson gave us 5 clues to who was going to read to us. We guessed it was Mrs. Haney-Jones, Mrs. Q-W, Miss Nicki, Mrs. Cunniaham, her mom! It was Mrs. Saunderson's sister!!!! The big clue was Mrs. Saunderson's kids call her auntie.

We are working on penguin expert books. We will share it with you soon.

Today was Mrs. Saunderson's birthday and she brought treats AND her sister brought treats!

January 12, 2016

We went to the Antarctica TODAY!!!!!

The rookery in Cape Royd, Antarctica!

One penguin is laying on the nest to rest!

A baby Adelie penguin only has down feathers to keep it warm.

We went to the South Pole today!!!  Well, not really but we had a Skype call from Jean Pennycook who is working at the Ross Sea in the Antarctica.  She got taken to the rookery by helicopter.  The rookery is a group of penguins that come on land to lay their eggs.  This rookery had 1800 nests!  An Adelie penguin lays 2 eggs.  Ms. Pennycook told us that only about 1/2 of the eggs survive! Sometimes the eggs get taken by the Skua bird.

Guess what the temperature was at the South Pole today!  It was 0*C or the SAME as High River!  However, yesterday there was a storm.  In fact, Ms. Pennycook had to stay in her tent for THREE days!  She said her tent is destroyed!

We saw the penguins waddling!  We heard them making weird sounds.  One of the penguins came right up to the camera to say hi to us!

Ms. Pennycook told us that there was a leopard seal in the ocean.  We know that a leopard seal is a predator of the penguin.  They will eat a penguin.  The penguins were not scared of Ms. Pennycook because she doesn't touch them as they are wild animals.  She also told us that they have no predators on the land only the Skua bird trying to eat eggs and chicks! 

In the Skype call, her voice kept breaking up that was because it was very windy there.  It was pretty sunny there.  There is NO grass or trees there.  The penguins have to use pebbles to make a nest for their eggs.

As soon as the babies get their waterproof feathers, the penguins will swim 500 miles away for the winter.  In the South Pole it is summer.

We liked having a Skype call. Thanks for calling us, Ms. Pennycook!

January 11, 2016

I Have, Who Has

We played a game of I Have, Who Has.  We had to read big and small numbers and listen for our number to be said.

We are finishing up our penguin masterpieces.  We wrote juicy questions for Mrs.Pennycook and our Skype field trip to the South Pole.  Tomorrow is our Skype!

Have a great night!

January 08, 2016

Guess My Number!

Today we Skyped with Mme. Polege's class in our school.  Her class is at the other end of the school. We had to guess the number that they picked and they guessed our number.  Our number was 15!  They had some good questions.  We all have a 100s chart and then we cross out numbers after someone asks a juicy question.  It was fun!

We did a penguin picture today.  We painted the water and sponged the ice and snow.  We then used a print of a penguin.  It is called printmaking.

Today we had indoor recess all day.  It was too cold to go outside.  At lunch, some of us went to the gym for building things, some went to Ms. Mahan's room for GoNoodle and some went to our room for drawing.  Our room was full!

January 07, 2016

Regurgitate means what?!?!

A new word: regurgitate!  It means a dad penguin throws up his food and feeds it to the baby.  It is gross to spit up food.  We are glad that our parents don't do that!   Emperor penguins lay only 1 egg. Some penguins lay 2 eggs.  We are starting to pick out our favourite penguins!  Thee are 17 kinds of penguins!

We have a new leader of the week!

January 06, 2016

Using echolocation to see?

We learned that to lose your sight means you are blind.  We solved a secret message written in Braille. We tried to make some Braille writing with our name.  We watched a video about a boy that uses echolocation to see! His name is Ben Underwood. Isn't that cool?

We learned more about penguins.  We learned that penguins lay two eggs.  We watched a LiveCam of the penguins in SeaWorld Orlando! Here is the link:

January 05, 2016

Penguins and senses!

We learned more about penguins.  First, we wrote all of our schema which means it is our background knowledge (stuff we know already).  Then we listened to another story and we learned that penguins can eat a fish without biting.  We know that baby penguins are grey.  Penguins can swim.

We got some gingerbread playdough.  We had to make shapes with it.  I will show you at home.  We made a cube shape.  Can you make a hexagon shape?

We continued to learn about our sense of sight!  We used bumps today which is Braille.  Braille is used for blind people to read.  They have to feel the bumps to know what it says.  The order of the bumps means it is a certain letter of the alphabet.

January 04, 2016

Welcome Back!

We got shells from Mrs. Saunderson.  We liked them! We wrote about them and used juicy words like snails, smooth, slippery and sharp. They came from the beach in Cuba.  There are some shells that are smooth and not smooth.  Some shells are gold, blackish and smooth.

We are learning about penguins! We know that penguins live at the south pole.