January 26, 2017

One School, One Book

Our home reading schedule
We started our One School, One Book journey today with an assembly in the gym. We read the first chapter as a whole school and will read the rest at home with our parents. It is a great way to build vocabulary, enhance family time, create life-long readers. Thanks for participating!  Happy Literacy Day tomorrow!

January 24, 2017


What is that smell????

Mmmm-I think it is....

We had to smell some containers.  Some were good smells, some were disgusting. Mrs. Saunderson put some things in the jars and we had to use our sense of smell ONLY to figure it out. The smells were oranges, pickle juice, soap, cinnamon, syrup and garlic.

Off they go!
The Great Alphabet Exchange has begun! We are working with 24 other schools across Alberta creating an alphabet together! We made a J for juice AND a Z for zebra. We walked to the mailbox and mailed them all over Alberta. We received our FIRST letter in the mail.  It was an R for rabbit! The school is from Northern Alberta in a town called Cleardale and one student has 11 brothers and sisters!

January 20, 2017


We built a telephone to use our sense of hearing.  We had to put a hole in the cup and put a string through the cup and tape it down. You had to pull the string tight so it would work. If the string is too lose it won't work.
We did a Kahoot with the 5 senses.  Roan had the most points and LOTS of other kids were very close.
We played dodgeball in the gym. It was fun!

January 17, 2017


We are making our OWN expert penguin books. We are using our research to make a book about penguins.
In science, we have been continuing to learn about our senses.  Yesterday, we learned about sight and we learned how to use the Braille alphabet. We tried making our names in Braille.  Today, we learned about hearing today. We had to use our hearing to listen to sounds and we wrote down what we heard! To protect your hearing, you should cover your ears in loud noises, don't listen to loud things, use ear plugs in loud noises. Some people cannot hear, they use sign language to communicate. We practiced using sign language.  Ask me how to sign my name!
We had gym outside again today. We have a lot of puddles on the playground!

January 13, 2017

Our trip was cancelled :(

Image result for solo penguin

There was a big storm in the Antarctic and we couldn't Skype the scientist.  Dr. Pennycook has left the Antarctica and will not be back until next fall.  We were very sad.
We used chalk pastels to make a penguin and we painted an Antarctic sky.  It was based on the book Solo about a baby penguin.
We FINALLY went outside for recess and gym. It was deep snow outside for building forts.

January 11, 2017

We have 5 senses!

More penguins today! Penguins regurgitate for their babies.  Penguins lay 1 or 2 eggs.  They can swim but they cannot fly. The first explorer that saw a penguin called it a feathered fish!

We have 5 senses. We use our eyes for sight. We hear with our ears.  We use our hands for touch. We use our nose for smell.  We use our tongue for taste. Today, we used our sight to find shapes.  We played I Spy using our eyes. We also did an experiment where Mrs. Saunderson removed an item from a box and we had to only use our eyes to remember what was missing. It was fun!

January 10, 2017

Penguins, penguins, penguins!

Our picture walk!

We learned some cool facts about penguins!

Today we did a picture walk with the penguin books.  We had to look at the books and write a fact about penguins. Penguins have been hunted by people. Baby penguins hatch from eggs on a beach.  A Skua bird tries to steal penguin eggs and eat them. Penguins swim in the ocean. Penguins do not fly, they are funny birds!  Penguins have feathers. Emperor Penguins have some yellow. They have webbed feet. Adelie penguins usually lay 2 eggs.

We watched a video about penguins with Dr. Pennycook.  She loves penguins and studies them all day. We will skype with Dr. Pennycook on Friday from the ANTARCTICA!!!!!

We learned a Penguin/Polar Bear game in the gym.