February 28, 2017

Tico, the parrot

Tico, the Meyer's parrot!

He even went on our heads!  Acck!
We had a special visitor today.  Tico, a Meyer's bird came to visit. The bird climbed on some of our heads and we got to hold him! We learned that you can teach them to talk.  This bird says Beep, Beep! Tico doesn't drink much water but gets a clean bird cage every day. Tico screams a little bit.

February 27, 2017

Yearbook Sales

A note came home today about 'last chance' to order our school yearbook! If you are interested, please send money to school by March 1.

Also, no school on Friday for Professional Development Day!

February 18, 2017

100 days smarter!

Look at all those 'seniors' in Gr 1!

Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops

Our 100 day projects were amazing!

What a great day in Grade 1. We are 100 days SMARTER! Many students dressed up like they were 100 years old complete with canes and grey hair. Our class looked fabulous-the principal even mentioned how nice it was for all the seniors to join our school assembly - hahah!
We made 100 day glasses, wrote 100 words, designed a book called 100 Days Ago I didn't know....But Now I Do! We even made a 100 piece fruit loop necklace. Our 100 days projects were awesome! We had many different ideas containing 100 things. We are so happy to be 100 days smarter....

February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day

Friendship Fruit Salad!

Sight Word Bingo
We made Valentine bags by ourselves and got to put our Valentine's in each other's bags. It was SO fun when we passed out cards.  Some people gave candy and suckers. We played BINGO with sight words using candy hearts! We had to read the hearts before we could eat them.

We had Friendship Fruit Salad.  The fruits included dragon fruit, blackberries, raspberries, mango, blueberries, apples and watermelon. Some people loved the salad and some did not!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

February 10, 2017

Carnaval l'hiver

We found Bonhomme!
Tug of War - gr. 1s vs gr. 5s

Let's curl!
Today was Carnaval l'Hiver! We did a tug of war center.  We had girls vs boys and gr. 5 vs 1s challenges and the 1s WON!!!  We did a lake walk! We went snowshoeing again.  We ate crepes with maple syrup. They are like skinny pancakes. There was a big Bonhomme snowman. We had hot chocolate, too! We went curling with the gr. 5s and Mrs. QW's son was there!  It was a fun day with beautiful weather!

Please remember the 100 days project is due next Friday ☺ 

February 09, 2017


We practiced snowshoeing for Carnaval!

It was hard work!

We went snowshoeing in the back of the school yard. There are spikes on the bottom of the snowshoes. The snowshoes float on the snow a little bit. They were very hard to put on.  We had to unbuckle them and then wind them up like snowboard boots. Some people tried walking the hill.  We all tried and some of us were great helpers. Some people got frustrated when they fell or couldn't get the shoes on. We can't wait to try them again at Carnaval!

February 07, 2017

How To writing

We have made some mosaic art!  We have to rip paper into the shape of mosaic tiles and form them into hearts. They look awesome!
We've been answering questions about the Call of the Wild. Thanks for reading it at home - we know lots of answers in our class!
We are working on writing 'how to' books AND today we wrote about How To Blow a Bubble.
Mrs. S tried to blow a bubble. She blew it so hard that the gum flew across the classroom-we told her first you chew it and then you blow! It took so long to teach the teacher to blow a bubble. We even got to try it ourselves and our teacher gave us some bubblegum. We chewed it and wrote about blowing a bubble. It was hard for some of us to blow a bubble. We will keep practicing. ;) Yesterday we wrote 'how to brush our teeth'.
We have a new thing called Morning Tubs - it is like centers at our table first thing in the morning!

February 02, 2017

A peek at our penguin books

Here is a sample of our penguin expert books! We learned a lot about penguins! Please click on the link:

Penguin Expert Book

February 01, 2017

Taste Test & we are learning about AB schools!

We had a taste test yesterday! We tasted marshmallows, they were sweet! We got tricked with the dark chocolate - it was bitter!Some of us thought it tasted like coffee beans. We tasted gummy worms and chips. They were salty and sour! We had to label the taste buds on our tongues.

We are starting to receive LOTS of letters for our Great Alphabet Exchange.  Some schools have little classes and there are some big classes, too. The town of Elnora has only 320 people and that is almost the number of students in just our school......we thought the town was very small! One school in Leduc has lots of hares. We learned that hare is another word for rabbit!  One class has Pickle time which means they get to pick a center.  We are going to start calling free centers Pickle time!  It is funny! We haven't got a Y yet.

Our Penguin Expert books came home today.  I will read it to you BUT then we must bring it back for our portfolios! Please help me remember.