November 30, 2015

The Gingerbread Boy

We are beginning Gingerbread Boy week! The gingerbread boy story that we read today had a little old woman and a little old man and a fox.  We are going to read a lot of different gingerbread stories.

We learned about shades and highlighting using paints and colours.  To make a shade you need to mix black.  To make a highlight you need to use white.  We painted a night sky.

For the concert, we should wear reindeer antlers and sunglasses, if we have them.  

November 25, 2015

How To Writing with Bubblegum!!!

How To Blow a Bubble
We learned how to blow a bubble today.  We tried it with gum and some of us could make a bubble and some of us couldn't.  First, we told Mrs. Saunderson how to blow a bubble and when we said blow, she blew her gum across the classroom. We forgot to tell her to keep it in her mouth and not blow too hard!

We decided the instructions for how to blow a bubble are this:

1. First, you put the gum in your mouth and chew it a lot.
2.  Next, flatten the gum and wrap it around your tongue.
3. Last, you blow very smoothly.

Then we did some writing and blew up a balloon to look like gum.  We put it on our picture.

Please remember to write your child's name in ALL their winter belongings.  We have had quite a few incidents of missing boots!

November 24, 2015

Painting, painting, painting

We have been painting a lot.  We had to disguise a hat today.  We painted different items to see what sticks best. We tried paper, plastic, tinfoil and cardboard.  Some thought the cardboard was the best and some thought the tinfoil was the best.

We met Mark today!  He brought his mom a coffee!

November 19, 2015

50s Day is Here!

Today was the 50th day of school!  We all got to have root beer floats.  Some people had never had a root beer float before!  12 people liked the float!  We made some records and counted less than 50 and greater than 50.  We also did a 50s movement video.  We danced like we were at a sock hop!  We had to sort some pictures that showed Then and Now.  Barbie was a tricky picture because we had an old Barbie and a new Barbie!  The clothes and the shoes  were also tricky to sort.  

We also had cupcakes for a special birthday in our class!

Remember to order your ART CARDS by November 26!

November 18, 2015

Tomorrow is 50s Day!

Tomorrow is 50s day.  It is a birthday in our class, too!  We could dress up like 1950s people.  We could wear jeans, white shirts, and skirts.  Some of us may even bring extra clothes to share.  We are having 1950s day because we have been together for 50 days!  It is a special day in Grade 1.  It is a Zero the Hero day.

On Go Noodle, we have a new character.  His name is Blob Ross.

If you are ordering an Art Card, please return by November 25.

November 16, 2015

Art Cards

Our art cards came home today!  One of our art projects has been designing a Christmas card for family.  We colored and painted our designs on the special paper and Mrs. Saunderson sent it away to get printed.  They are here!  Parents have an opportunity to order the cards and the classroom gets a percentage of the sales.  We plan to use this as a fundraiser to support our field trips.  Enjoy the cards. We think they turned out awesome!

50s day is on Thursday - dress up like the 50s!  Art card order is due by November 26.

November 13, 2015

Transparent and Opaque

We painted on watercolour paper.  We are using Mondrian's painting idea.  We mixed the primary colours.  We used medicine droppers to mix the paints.

We also looked at stuff to see if they were see through or not.  Opaque means you can't see through it.  Transparent means you can see through it.  Transparent can be glass, the clock cover or soap.  Opaque can be a book, milk, or paint.   Our friends are Timmy Transparent and Ollie Opaque.  They were puppets to help us learn.

Happy Weekend, everyone!

November 10, 2015

Remembrance Day assembly

Click the link below to watch our video!

At the Remembrance Day assembly, there were wreaths.  The wreath bearers got to show off the wreaths to everyone.  The Grade 5 Student Council hosted the assembly.  They showed our video at the assembly. There was a war hero there.  He talked about people that died in war but he also talked about Afghanistan.  He told us that he was an engineer in the army.  He told us about a 7 year old in Afghanistan who lost his dad and then he had to go to work!  WE are not ready to go to work!  We are lucky to live in Canada!

No school tomorrow!  See you Thursday.

November 09, 2015

Mixing Playdough

November 11 is Remembrance Day
Today we talked playdough!  We all got our own little container.  We traded part of the playdough colours.  We mixed our playdough colours and they turned different colours! .  We even get to take the playdough home.  BUT Mrs. Saunderson says we have to make some sight words with the playdough!

Tomorrow is our Remembrance Day ceremony.  If we wear a uniform to Sparks or Scouts, please wear it to the assembly.  It will be a quiet and respectful ceremony. Assembly begins at 10:30 am.  Please join us.

Brooklynn lost a tooth today!

Book order is due on Friday, November 13.

November 04, 2015

Mixing Colours!

Will water walk across to the other jars?

Look what happened!  We made new colours!
In science, we painted mice and mixed up colours.  We read a book called Mouse Paint. In our science experiment, we made water walk to change colours.  The empty jars filled up with new colours.
Luke ran the calendar.  We know tomorrow will be a Zero the Hero Day because we will have been in school for 40 days.
In math, we did Mathletics.  We also did 'before and after' numbers.  Ask me what number comes before 15 or what number comes after 11.  We used a number line to count to 20.  
We had a lake walk for gym.

November 02, 2015

Primary Colours!

We learned about primary colours.  They are red, yellow, blue.  Primary colour means that no other colour can make red, yellow or blue.  Primary colours can make other colours.  Red and blue makes purple.  Blue and yellow make green.  Yellow and red make orange.  We mixed all those colours together.  All of the primary colours mixed together make black.

We are starting to read a book about a pig.  The book is Charlotte's Web.  We think that there is a spider in it too.  The pig's name is Wilbur.